jake moore: By Any Means Necessary

jake moore with plasterRuth, developed as part of her thesis show. The piece is one of moore’s contributions to Hunt Ball, that commemorates an annual ball held at the Ritz-Carlton in the first half of the last century.
Photo by sabrina ratté - iits creative media services
At 15 years old jake moore (lower case intentional) dropped out of high school to sing with a punk band. This fall, she’ll be teaching at Memorial University’s Visual Arts Department.
After touring with the Ruggedy Annes and studying furniture design, Moore came to Concordia from Winnipeg to do a BFA.
“Since I was a child, and to my mother’s great embarrassment, I’ve said I wanted to be a waitress and an artist,” moore said. “I’ve done both.”
Not satisfied with these achievements, moore decided to go back to school a decade later to earn an MFA. She asked her former professor Barbara Layne for a reference. Layne, who constructs wearable art as an artist-researcher at Hexagram, encouraged her to return to Concordia.
moore was attracted by the potential at Hexagram. She has been Assistant Projects Coord-inator at their affiliated Centre Interuniversitaire d’Art Mediatiques (CIAM). This program, with the assistance of the Centre for Digital Arts, offers training and material support to over 150 graduate students working at Concordia and UQAM.
She has also been involved in several projects as the interim programming coordinator at Studio XX, a women’s media arts and multimedia resource centre. Besides plans for their upcoming 10th anniversary, she has been developing Matricules, an online interactive feminist history of media art.
moore is designing the project like a fabric: “The warp will be time, and the weft will be events.” Additions from users can be woven into the design.
This relates to moore’s electronic weaving work with Layne. moore continues to explore a range of materials. “If I have a guiding principle, it’s By Any Medium Necessary,” she joked.
moore’s interest in bodies as vehicles of exchange was the basis for her successful SHHRC application. She was the first fine arts student to be awarded that federal funding when it became available to master’s students in 2003.
Her work is part of the Hunt Ball, a show curated by Leisure Projects (a collaboration between Concordia graduate Meredith Carruthers and student Susannah Wesley) at Galerie Yergeau, 2060 Joly Ave. until Sept. 2.