Agreement in principle reached between library workers and university

Karen Herland

An agreement in principal has been reached with the Concordia University Library Employees Union (CULEU). Negotiations continue with unions representing technicians (CUUSS-TS) and support staff (CUSSU).

At each union’s request, a conciliator has been appointed to participate in the negotiations with CULEU, CUUSS-TS and CUSSU. The conciliation process led to an agreement between the university and the 102-member CULEU. A third meeting was held with CUUSS-TS (representing 93 technicians) last week. Negotiators for the university and CUSSU and will meet for the fourth time in the presence of the conciliator on March 23.

The members of CUSSU have rejected an offer made by the university at a Feb. 20 general assembly and voted for three days of strike action. The first strike day was March 15.

CUSSU’s 435 members have been without an agreement since June 1, 2002. Numerous issues are still on the table at this time.

An agreement was signed last month with ACUMAE, the Association of Concordia University Management and Administrative Employees, which comprises approximately 270 managers and administrative employees. The agreement, which was ratified in October 2006, will run until May 31, 2010.

Negotiations between the university and CUFA, the full-time faculty association have begun. The current CUFA collective agreement ends on May 31, 2007.