Eric Molson, Education Minister Jean-Marc Fournier and President Claude Lajeunesse applaud the announcement of several million dollars towards the construction of a new home for the JMSB. Event MC Marcel Danis looks on from the podium at the Oct. 30 event.
Photo by Image Photographique internationale
Business school gets green light
Concordia has the funding to begin building the new John Molson School of Business. The site of the architectural sibling of the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex on Guy St. will likely see its first bulldozers in December. The long anticipated funding was announced on Oct. 30 by Jean-Marc Fournier, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports, as part of a short ceremony in the DeSève Cinema. He said the Quebec government has spent over $1 billion on the construction and renewal of buildings for universities and colleges over the past five years, and he hopes to see...
Concordia Journal online
The Concordia Journal appears every two weeks, but daily news is always available from News@Concordia
Rankings raise many questions
As students gear up for finals, the universities themselves were graded by The Globe and Mail, The National Post and, of course, in the contentious Maclean’s rankings. All of these surveys and report cards claim to help students and their parents determine where to send applications for 2007. That each survey uses different indicators, weighted and presented differently, is the first sign that this exercise is more complex than it would appear. The Globe and Mail’s insert acknowledges that “there simply is no ‘best university’ across all academic program offerings.” They offer a tool, the Navigator, at globeandmail.com/reportcard that allows...