25 schools skip Maclean’s
After 16 years, a frustrating task has come to an end. Concordia staff who prepare data for Maclean’s annual rankings of Canadian universities estimate that it took them about 42 person-days, worth between $12,000 and $15,000 annually, to meet the magazine’s demands. The University of Toronto fired a shot across the bow of Maclean’s on Aug. 14 when it led a revolt of 11 universities against the rankings. Since then, 14 others, including Concordia, have bolted. That leaves 22 who have not — yet. In a letter to the managing editor of the special issue, the U of T, which...
Concordia Journal online
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The Journal welcomes your news
Happy “new year” from the staff of the Concordia Journal. During the 2006-07 academic year, we look forward to bringing you more articles about research and artistic work, debates over issues and policies, and stories reflecting the ingenuity and enthusiasm of Concordians. This year, you can expect special sections providing more depth than a single article. On Sept. 28, we’ll bring you four pages on teaching at the university. In October, there will be a supplement on our international initiatives. Next term we’ll look at research and sustainability. You will also notice more design changes and some new features...