CSBN researchers are ready to put their funding to good use. Standing in the back is Richard Courtemanche, the only exercise scientist among the psychology professors. From left: Shimon Amir (seated), Barbara Woodside, Wayne Brake, Andrew Chapman and Jane Stewart is seated on the far right. Peter Shizgal is crouched in front.
Photo by Kate HuTchinson
Appetite for growth
In the case of the Centre for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, collegiality really works. The research centre, one of the jewels in Concordia’s crown, has been given an infrastructure grant of $1 million over four years by the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), the province’s medical granting agency. It’s the first time a university without a faculty of medicine has been given such funding in the area of health. However, it’s not the first time the CSBN has turned heads. Founded in 1982 by four senior researchers, the Centre has been the source of many articles...
Concordia Journal online
The Concordia Journal appears every two weeks, but daily news is always available from News@Concordia

Engineering Dean Nabil Esmail celebrates with VP Advancement and Alumni Relations Kathy Assayag, Hydro-Québec President and CEO Thierry Vandal, Hydro-Quebec Executive VP Marie-José Nadeau and President Claude Lajeunesse.
Photo by iits creative media services
Hydro-Québec energizes research
Concordia has just engineered a deal with Hydro-Québec that will bring $8 million to improve our research profile and the financial support available to our students. “This $8 million is like supplying 80 million kilowatt hours of energy to the faculty,” joked Engineering and Computer Science Dean Nabil Esmail. He added that he had personally calculated that figure. “The horse power generated from this infusion is only left to the imagination.” Just over half of the funds will establish two research chairs, one devoted to electrical energy conservation and the other to integrated building design. “Energy conservation is the basis...