President gets medal, signs pacts in France

Left to right, Claude Lajeunesse with Wilfrid-Guy Licari, the head of Quebec’s delegation to France, and Michael Turcotte, Chairman of the Board of Hydro-Quebec. Roch Denis, former Rector of UQAM, also received the honour.
photo by Nicolas Fouilland
President Claude Lajeunesse was one of four Quebecers awarded the Centre Jacques Cartier medal in Lyon, France, on Dec. 3.
It was presented during the 19th edition of the Centre’s annual “Entretiens” conference.
The medal is awarded to members of the academic, economic, political or cultural communities of France or Quebec.
While he was in France, Lajeunesse signed a contract and an agreement in principle with the École centrale d’électronique (ECE) and the Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon.
The contract with ECE is aimed specifically at Concordia’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, and will permit the faculty to receive approximately 150 ECE students for the fall terms of 2007-08 and 2008-09.
The collaboration agreement with the Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon is aimed at encouraging joint educational and research efforts. More at