In Memoriam - Sr. Michelina Bertone, SSA
With great sadness, Multi-faith Chaplaincy wishes to inform the Concordia community of the sudden death of Sr. Michelina Bertone, SSA, on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007. She was a Roman Catholic chaplain at Concordia from 1987 until her death. Known affectionately as Sr. Mickie, she offered care and attention to many members of the Concordia community through her presence, her counsel and her programs. She had a gift for making each person feel loved and included. Multi-faith Chap-laincy will be holding a memorial celebrating Sister Mickie’s life in The Loyola Chapel on Tuesday, March 13 at 1 p.m.
Please join us for this celebration. Refreshments in the Chapel will follow the service.
For more information call Multi-faith Chaplaincy at (514) 848-2424, ext. 3593 or 3588.