Every 1 counts

Shelagh Peden

You've seen the posters, you've read the slogan, "Every 1 Counts," but just what does it mean for you?

The Concordia Community Campaign is now underway. It's an annual effort to raise funds to enhance our experience of the university, and that of our students. Government funding alone does not cover all expenses, and the campaign helps pay for our highest priorities: library holdings, student awards and scholarships, faculty development and recreation and athletic facilities.

What matters more than your contribution is your participation. Donors, alumni and corporations gauge the success of an organization, not by the amount of donations generated by the faculty and staff, but by the participation rate. A high rate of participation sends a strong signal to potential donors that we care about and believe in Concordia's future, and hopefully inspires them to give generously.

To make your contribution, log into the portal at www.myconcordia.ca, and click on Faculty & Staff Services, then click on Annual Campaign Pledge. For more information on the Community Campaign, see the site campaign.concordia.ca or call Dalia Bosis at ext. 4979.

Shelagh Peden