Centraide update
Concordia’s Centraide campaign, which contributes to about 340 social agencies and charities around Montreal, has raised $100,000 and has a response rate of about 11 per cent of faculty and staff. Not bad, but organizers feel we can do better. The goal is $200,000.
Concordia’s Bookstore is holding its annual fair on the mezzanine of the Hall Building Nov. 23, with the proceeds going in part to the Emergency Food Program and in part to Centraide.
There was a loony line nearby for individual contributions to Centraide. A wonderful benefit concert was given by jazz vocalist and teacher Jeri Brown on Nov. 17, and the thank-you draws continue.
The winners of the draw held Nov. 9 were Laura Stanbra (Financial Aid and Awards), who won an iPod, Ruth L. Noble, (Vanier Library), a colour printer, and Laurel Leduc (Residence Life), a mountain bike.
The winners of the draw held Nov. 16 were Maria Peluso (Political Science), who received a gift certificate from the Esprit Sports Centre, Howard Bokser (Advancement & Alumni), who won a Canon colour printer, and Mumtaz Gawargy, a retired employee from Electrical & Computer Engineering, who won an iPod.
You still have time to submit your Centraide payroll deduction form. Remember that if you donated last year, you must fill out a new pledge form for your donation to continue this year. This will also make you eligible for a chance to win a prize.