Welcome from the President

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This is truly an exciting time to be at Concordia.
Each of our faculties can point with pride to major achievements last year — like the growth of our research profile, our $6-million solar energy research network, partnerships like Hexagram and our students’ win at the John Molson International MBA Case Competition.
Concordia students were trendsetters, too, organizing a dynamic Orientation, running the Art Matters festival, leading our sustainability efforts and contributing to Katrina hurricane relief.
Last year we installed our new Chancellor, David P. O’Brien (L BA 62), and named our first Vice-President, Research & Graduate Studies, Louise Dandurand. We expanded our international role, increased inter-faculty initiatives, created 13 research chairs, and secured funding for our new business school.
We developed a project to address the needs of students who might otherwise fall through the cracks academically and took steps to increase residential space and create a dedicated student centre. We will be improving campus life through the revitalization of recreation and athletic facilities on both campuses.
We have reinforced our public profile, and laid the groundwork for the next major fundraising campaign. A major reputation study is giving us the data we need to further inform our academic plan and build our public profile still higher.
Key areas we will develop in the coming months include meeting our tenure track hiring goals, FTE and graduate student targets and taking full advantage of our young research talent and new funding possibilities. We will continue to encourage vigorous participation in the social, economic, artistic and professional life of the wider community, and strengthen our relationships with government, friends, and funding and research organizations.
Most important, we will continue to build on a solid academic foundation to become a leading Canadian university.
I wish you all a stimulating and productive academic year. Your feedback is always welcome.
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