A quarter-century of (Expo)science 

Magnifying glass

High fives all around at this year's Exposcience! At right, jubilant fans gather around Thea Gregory's experiment, the Tesla Coil. Her experiment is a large step-up transformer able to take a 120-volt current (that of the common household plug) and bump it up to 100 000 volts. Brave participants were able to touch the coil and experience a small but substantial shock, giving Gregory the opportunity to explain exactly how the electricity works.

Facilitated by Concordia each year for the last 25 years, over 1 400 people visited this year's edition at Stewart Hall in Pointe Claire. Since its inception, students, faculty and staff have been able to meet with the public on a one-to-one basis to demonstrate Concordia's dedication to the community and the quality of our institution.

“The experience at Exposcience is amazing. It is wonderful to see so many kids with a genuine interest in science," said Gregory. "I enjoy participating at Exposcience because not only do I get to be an ambassador for Concordia and physics, but I also get to help shape an experience for young minds.”


Concordia University