‘Le Gym’ opens at Quartier Concordia

The Fitness Centre is filling up with equipment for the second phase opening Jan. 15. Counselling Services and a wellness centre are on the way.
photo by marion elissalde
The new Fitness Centre — called just that for the present — has been open at least partially since September, but it has just taken a quantum leap.
The métro-level recreation facility in the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV) now embraces Le Gym, a workout centre with the latest in equipment, including a strength and free-weight area, cardio facilities and a spinning studio. Locker and shower facilities have been expanded accordingly.
Katie Sheahan, Director of Recreation and Athletics, was bubbling with enthusiasm as she described the finishing touches being made this week to Phase II of the centre. “It’s right at the crossroads of the downtown campus,” she said.
Since Sept. 5, about 700 students, faculty, staff and alumni have taken tai chi, salsa, swing dancing, yoga, badminton, pilates, martial arts and other recreational courses in the centre, but with the beginning of this term, applications have mushroomed.
Last Thursday alone, 350 people registered. Sheahan doesn’t know whether it’s “the new year’s resolution imperative” or the imminence of Le Gym, or both, but she wanted to thank everyone for being patient.
The recreation courses are in two studios shared with the Department of Contemporary Dance. A new studio has been created for the spinners. Spinning is an animated group cycling workout with lively music and an inspirational leader. Sheahan said with a laugh that they needed their own studio because “they do a lot of hootin’ and hollerin’!”
One of the greatest features of the new centre is its visibility. You can see it by gazing down from the lobby of the EV, and even better from the Guy métro station. It’s just opposite the Omer de Serres art supply shop, and the Jugo Juice Bar. Although it’s below ground, it gets natural illumination through a skylight.
Another great feature is its size. Sheahan says there will be between 125 and 150 workout spots. At 7,000 square feet, the new Fitness Centre has nearly seven times the available floor space of the old Victoria Gym. Registration is being restricted, at least for now, to the Concordia community, i.e., students, faculty, staff and alumni.
A decision on whether membership should be extended to the general public will be made sometime in March. Fees are about $15 a month for students, and between $35 and 40 for others. For specific fees and other details, please go to concordia.ca/recreation, dial ext. 3860 or stop by the centre itself.