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By Katie Malazdrewicz, Communications Officer, Services
With the recent construction of the EV building, the first phase of the acquisition of the Grey Nuns Mother House and the ongoing construction of the new John Molson School of Business building, Concordia’s facilities are expanding every day. It’s only fitting that as our campus grows, so does the team that maintains it.
Ready for duty are (from left) Gerry Barrette, Bruce Gaudreau, Pat Pietromonaco, Robert Farataro, Robert Lortie, and Stephan Drolet.
The ever-expanding Concordia footprint and the imminent retirement of Facilities Operations Manager Robert Lortie led Facilities Management to review its structure to better serve students, faculty and staff in the future. As a result, two property manager positions have been created on the SGW campus in addition to the existing one at Loyola.
The move intends to emphasize a customer-focused, transparent and integrated approach when supplying building occupants with services pertaining to their building, such as responses and follow-up regarding the planning and status of work. An added bonus will be a personal contact — a person you can speak to whenever you have a specific concern, a comment, or just want an update.
Managing the operations and maintenance of the Hall Building, McConnell library building, the new JMSB building, and the MacKay and Bishop St. annexes will be Pat Pietromonaco (ext. 3758). Bruce Gaudreau (ext. 3169) will manage the EV and VA buildings, the Grey Nuns Mother House and the rental portfolios (LS, 2015 Drummond; CL, 1665 Ste-Catherine St. W.; and ER, 2155 Guy). The Loyola campus will be overseen by Gerry Barrette (ext. 5440). Robert Farataro from Arcturus (an external property management firm) will continue managing the Faubourg, TD and GM buildings, and can be reached through ext. 2400.
Please continue calling that number for work requests, questions or concerns that you have.
Working closely with Stephan Drolet, the newly appointed Operations Manager, the team hopes to open the lines of communication between Facilities Management and the Concordia community and proactively manage the buildings.
The new property managers will be visiting you in the coming weeks, to get to know you and your needs, to update the status of anticipated and outstanding work, and offer their time and energy to serve you better.