Concordia final stop for cross-Canada Aga Khan Foundation exhibition  

Visitors peruse the <em>Bridges that Unite</em> exhibition at the University of Calgary Nickle Arts Museum, March 2008. Magnifying glass

Visitors peruse the Bridges that Unite exhibition at the University of Calgary Nickle Arts Museum, March 2008.

From March 7 to 26, the exhibition Bridges That Unite organized by the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) will be presented in the LB Atrium.

It will be a series of cultural events, discussion panels and public meetings examining Canada’s role in promoting a peaceful world.

The travelling exhibition has worked its way across Canada in the past two years; it began its cross-country tour in Victoria, B.C. in Feb. 2008, then visited Vancouver, Calgary, Kitchener/Waterloo, Halifax, and has just finished its stay in Ottawa. Concordia will be its last scheduled stop.

The international Aga Khan Foundation is one of the largest NGOs in the world, and supports development initiatives in Eastern Africa and South and Central Asia.

Along with events produced by Aga Khan Foundation Canada and other organizations, Concordia will be working with the foundation to present numerous programs.

The afternoon of March 17 in H-767, Institute for Community Development Director Lance Evoy will host two public conversations using the University of the Streets Café model to examine the issues of poverty and development.

During the evening March 17 in H-767, Journalism Department Director Mike Gasher will be exploring the challenges of international journalism and the role of the media in shaping Canadians’ understanding of the world.

On March 26 in the De Sève Cinema, Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy Director Margie Mendel will host a discussion panel addressing Quebec and the social economy.

Hosting the travelling exhibition presents a unique opportunity for Concordia faculty and students to continue building on their connections with the Aga Khan Development Network, says Clarence Epstein, Director of Special Projects and Cultural Affairs.

“We have a number of professors and centres whose research and interests would mutually benefit from such partnerships with the AKFC in projects addressing academic and non-academic projects related to third world development,” says Epstein.


Concordia University