
Sherri Lee Jones, who is doing her MA under the supervision of James Pfaus in the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, won the award for Best Student Poster at the 2007 meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research in Vancouver held in August. Her poster was entitled “The effects of estradiol, testosterone, or their combination, on the sexual behavior of ovariectomized, sexually-experienced rats.”

Vesselin Petkov (Science College) is series editor for Springer Science & Business Media for at least five volumes per year on the fundamentals of physics.

Mark Russell, an assistant professor at the Liberal Arts College, has published a book called Between Tradition and Modernity: Aby Warburg and the Public Purposes of Art in Hamburg, 1896-1918 (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books). Warburg (1866-1929) was an influential cultural historian. Russell’s book, which explores his “complex and ambiguous reaction” to political, social and cultural modernism, contributes to the debate about the sequence of events that resulted in the tragedies of 20th-century German history.

Congratulations to Lorne Switzer (Finance). His paper with Haibo Fan, “The Transactions Costs of Risk Management vs. Speculation in an Electronic Trading Environment: Evidence from the Montreal Exchange,” was selected as the 2007 winner of the Bank of Canada prize for the best paper in the field of empirical research on Canadian financial markets. Switzer is Associate Dean, Research, in the JMSB, and holds the Van Berkom Endowed Chair in Small-Cap Equities. He is also Associate Director of the Institute for Governance in Private and Public Organizations.

All three Concordia nominees were winners at the Forces Avenir Awards gala in Sherbrooke Sept. 27. They were the R4 Compost team, led by Chantal Beaudoin, and active students Kinia Adamczyk and Gabriel Bran Lopez. For more on their activities, please see the Journal, Sept. 27.

Raymond Marius Boucher Magnifying glass

Raymond Marius Boucher

Raymond Marius Boucher (Theatre) was a speaker during the Journées de la Culture at a three-day event mounted by APASQ, (Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec), at Place des Arts. Representatives from theatre schools from across Canada joined him and others from Concordia. Boucher, an expert in design for the theatre and costumes, is the interim president of APASQ.

Ted Stathopoulos, a professor in Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Associate Dean in the School of Graduate Studies, was the keynote speaker at the Second International Workshop on Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, which took place at Milos Island, Greece, in July. His lecture was on research on natural/hybrid ventilation in Canada. Also in July, during the International Conference on Wind Engineering, in Cairns, Australia, Stathopoulos was re-elected as the American representative in the executive board of the International Association of Wind Engineering for another four-year period.


Concordia University