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The career of Katja MacLeod Kessin is the focus of a multi-media exhibit currently on in the FOFA Gallery. Posing in front of the premiere presentation of her piece 366 Days are (from left) co-curators Sara Morley, Loren Lerner (Art History) and Lynn Hughes (Studio Arts). Exhibition Coordinator and Art History Master’s student Dina Vescio is on the far right. The fourth co-curator of the memorial show, David Elliot, was not present.
Katja MacLeod Kessin's work fills the FOFA Gallery and spills into the vitrines. On Oct. 25 it will also be discussed across the hall in EV 1.605. The exuberant colours and simple shapes seem fairly realistic. However . . . “Often there was a hidden joke, a punch line... - Read more
Vice-President, Services, Michael Di Grappa has been appointed by the Board of Governors to fill the post of university president until an interim president is named. Board Chair Peter Kruyt made the announcement Oct. 18. “Having been an active member of the Concordia community for close to three decades, Michael has the depth of understanding, experience and track record to... - Read more
Montrealers who have come from areas of violent conflict will be able to record their stories and have them preserved through a five-year, $ 1-million project funded by a national program called CURA, the Community-University Research Alliances. Steven High will... - Read more
Over the last few months, and driven by budget exigencies, an extensive review of non-academic functions that cut across the university was carried out. Recommendations, in the form of an Operational Efficiency Review Report, were submitted to and discussed at... - Read more
Mamoun Medraj (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) knows the secret to successful collaboration. “Never work with people who have your skill set, only with those whose skills are complementary to your own.” That advice is serving him well. He is currently... - Read more