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President Judith Woodsworth (centre) received a plant from Travis Ahearn (left) and Louise Hénault-Éthier of R4 Concordia. The gift was offered earlier this week at a press conference to launch a new state-of-the-art composter at Loyola. Concordia is the first academic institution to adapt the composter (designed for agricultural use) to an urban, institutional environment. Associate Vice-President of Facilities Management Peter Bolla and Provost David Graham also spoke at the afternoon event. R4 offered demonstrations of the new machine and the event was fêted with locally sourced wines and foods served to a SRO crowd.
The latte you had at the Science Café and the orange peel left over from snack time at the Loyola daycare are helping to make the campus a little greener. When Louise Hénault-Éthier and Alexis Fortin have finished bringing staff and consumers on board across the entire university, 100... - Read more
While debates rage on about the crisis in higher education and the financial stresses on universities, Provost and Vice-President Academic Affairs David Graham has had some tough decisions to make — 4 million of them. With provincial funding lagging behind salary increases built into existing collective agreements, frozen tuition fees and no new sources of revenue on the horizon, Concordia... - Read more
At first glance, synthetic organic chemistry might seem like an oxymoron. The term makes more sense when explained by one of Chemistry and Biochemistry’s newest faculty members, Pat Forgione. “The field of synthetic organic chemistry is focused on the creation,... - Read more
In his recent book, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (Penguin Press, 2008), Columbia University Professor and UN Special Adviser Jeffrey D. Sachs speaks of “externalities”; social and environmental costs which fall outside the profit/loss calculations of governments, businesses... - Read more
The Darling Foundry is a once-abandoned industrial building in downtown Montreal that was recently converted into a venue for contemporary art installations. On September 9, the exhibition space was transformed into an Indian-themed pleasure palace that might look more appropriate... - Read more