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President Woodsworth meets international students
Judith Woodsworth is back at Concordia, a familiar place given the nearly two decades she spent here. But, now as president, she is hoping to build on the strengths that make Concordia unique. "I would like us to be recognized more widely for our achievements, " Woodsworth said. She... - Read more
Strategic Planning Open Consultations
World Cafés
You will find updates and further details later this week on the Strategic Planning website
After nearly a year of consultation, the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies is finalizing a Strategic Research Plan intended to carry us forward to 2012. "We want this to be a living document, a way to reflect... - Read more
A pact signed between Montreal and Lyon three decades ago has grown into a unique, annual opportunity to bring government, industry and academics together from Quebec and the Alps region of France for les Entretiens Jacques-Cartier. "This is a hybrid... - Read more
What does your choice of reading material say about your reasoning skills? Helena Osana, an associate professor in Concordia’s Department of Education, is researching just that. Following up on a study at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education... - Read more