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Above, Larry English (centre) listens to the speeches commemorating his time here with Brad Tucker, Director Institutional Planning Office (left) and Chair of the Board, Peter Kruyt (right).
More than 50 colleagues and friends of Larry English gathered at the Montefiore Club on Nov. 20 at a farewell party to thank him for his contributions to the university over his 13-year career as Vice-President, Finance.
Led by MC Vice-President Services Michael Di Grappa and speakers Chair of the Board Peter Kruyt, President Judith Woodsworth, Irvin Dudeck and Nathalie Laporte, with some video and photo props, the retirement celebration became somewhat of a roast with English in the hot seat. After a spirited rebuttal, he was presented with a Harley-Davidson T-shirt and a generous gift certificate.
In the new year, English will be found either in the woods or aboard his hog. His work instituting the best financial record of any Quebec university will not be forgotten.